- amyotrophy
- (n) амиатрофия; атрофия мышц* * *амиатрофия, атрофия мышц
Новый англо-русский словарь. 2013.
Новый англо-русский словарь. 2013.
Amyotrophy — is progressive wasting of muscle tissues. Muscle pain is also a symptom. It can occur in middle age males with type 2 diabetes. It also occurs with Motor Neuron Disease. ee also* Diabetic amyotrophy * Monomelic amyotrophy * Amyotrophic lateral… … Wikipedia
amyotrophy — Muscular wasting or atrophy. SYN: amyotrophia. [G. a priv. + mys, muscle, + trophe, nourishment] diabetic a. a type of diabetic neuropathy that primarily affects elderly patients with diabetes mellitus; clinically characterized by … Medical dictionary
amyotrophy — n. a progressive loss of muscle bulk associated with weakness of these muscles. It is caused by disease of the motor nerve that activates the affected muscle. Amyotrophy is a feature of any chronic neuropathy and it may be found in some diabetic… … The new mediacal dictionary
amyotrophy — noun progressive wasting of muscle tissues • Syn: ↑amyotrophia • Hypernyms: ↑atrophy, ↑wasting, ↑wasting away * * * amyotrophy Path. (æmɪˈɒtrəfɪ) [mod. f. Gr. ἀ priv. + µῦς, µυ ός muscle + τροϕία nourishment.] … Useful english dictionary
amyotrophy — noun atrophy of muscles … Wiktionary
amyotrophy — n. gradual asymmetrical weakening and degeneration of muscles (Medicine) … English contemporary dictionary
amyotrophy — [ˌamɪ ɒtrəfi] noun Medicine atrophy of muscular tissue. Derivatives amyotrophic adjective Origin C19: from a 1 + Gk mus, muo muscle + Gk trophē nourishment … English new terms dictionary
amyotrophy — amy·ot·ro·phy … English syllables
Hereditary Neuralgic Amyotrophy — Hereditary Neuralgic Amyotropy, alternatively referred to as HNA, is a neuralgic disorder that is characterized by nerve damage and muscle atrophy, preceded by severe pain. It is caused by a mutation to the gene locus 17 q25 of the septin 9 gene … Wikipedia
Monomelic amyotrophy — (also known as MMA, Hirayama s disease, Sobue diease or Juvenile nonprogressive amyotrophy) is an untreatable, focal, motor neuron disease that primarily affects young (15 25 year old) males in India and Japan. MMA is marked by insidious onset of … Wikipedia
Diabetic amyotrophy — Diabetic amyotrophy, a complication of diabetes, is diabetic neuropathy characterized by painful muscle wasting and weakness. It affects the lower limbs and is typically asymmetric. Clinical presentation* proximal muscle wasting and tenderness of … Wikipedia